What is Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics?

Monitor cybercrime activities in your organization is a big challenge, it is hard to see what is really going on in your company in term of cybersecurity. Well, you could refer to event viewer and audit log files or setup alerts for certain events. However, it is better if we have a way to see a clear overview of what things which are going on in our company like seeing graphical representation of threats and seeing a clear picture of what actually going on something which is hard to understand just but look into log files. Recently it has been announced Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics is available as preview. Which means it is available for you to try but it is not the complete version yet. This tools do exactly what you want to monitor overview of activities in area of cybersecurity in your company and it visualize it. So you don’t need to just look into log files but you will see what is going on. It is really cool if you are in charge of IT or IT security of your company and you want to present overview of security in your company to your managers. For many of IT professionals, it is difficult to explain such thing to people who are not from IT background and this graphical representation helps you a lot to present these.

There are limitations in this tools like it is using machine learning techniques and you should expect some misleading warning or missing some sort of attacks. Using machine learning itself is causing such issue for this product and other security products. But the good point which is its real time detection is showing the overall activities in real-time and you won’t get false alert or misleading information. It could help companies a lot especially when it comes to seeing an overview of threats across organization. I am strongly recommend you to have a look at this product and start by visiting its official website.

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